During Ramadan, Muslims observe a month-long period of prayer and sacrifice, which is considered to be a great and holy time. Although I don’t recall having a particular fondness for this month, as a Muslim, I used to have faith. However, I no longer believe in it anymore. The idea of fasting to demonstrate one’s faith and spiritual convictions is not only bothersome but could be described as quite frustrating.

To some, it may sound strange, but I didn’t look forward to the month of fasting, and I was relieved when I got my period on the first day because it allowed me to avoid pretending to care about it. I don’t want to fast to make a point, but my family wouldn’t understand that because they believe it’s a sin. How can they be so sure? Only God can truly know. I don’t believe that God would want people to be compelled to pray for Him. Is that really respectable? I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to start a controversy or criticize any religion. I have respect for all religions, their traditions, and their teachings. However, I don’t like the idea of forcing someone to adhere to them. I don’t think it’s ethical.

Since my period ended, I have been refraining from fasting. Although I have justifiable reasons for not wanting to fast, my family may not comprehend my decision.

I am compelled to fast despite my feelings of anxiety and guilt because of my respect for the tradition, even though I do not fully believe in it. It is challenging to navigate this situation with my family, and I may never fully understand why.

I hold the belief that there is a force greater than ourselves, as there are aspects of the universe that are beyond comprehension. However, I am not currently in a mindset that allows me to engage with the divine in my prayers for the things I need in my life. It can be exhausting to work hard to achieve my goals, and while I understand that some may find solace in praying for success, it does not resonate with me personally. Ultimately, I feel that in the end, it is our humanity that matters most.

I am not entirely sure why I feel compelled to write about this, but I am feeling a sense of sadness over the fact that nobody seems to understand my reluctance to fast and pretend to be faithful. I believe that it is the mindset of others that needs to shift, but it is troubling to me that I am unable to articulate my thoughts and feelings about this in a way that is truly meaningful.

I feel as though I do not have a voice within my family, so I am expressing my thoughts and feelings through writing. I would appreciate it if nobody were to judge me for what I am sharing.

Even though I am Muslim, I do not consider myself very religious. Some of my friends are supportive of this, while others find it strange and I do not comprehend why. It is challenging for me to deal with their reactions.

I wish that everyone could accept individuals as they are, regardless of their religious beliefs. This would create a more tolerant and accepting society. However, I am saddened by the fact that I must now disregard an entire traditional religious belief system.

Nothing makes sense to me.

2 responses to “Religious Beliefs and Family Expectations.”

  1. sakshisoni Avatar

    I can totally resonate with you… i also come from a family who acts that they dont force their beliefs but they do and it is frustrating sometimes… rather than letting us navigate our paths they try to force their wishes on us which eventually grows us apart from the idea of religion even more…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Safa Avatar

      I know right! People should change that attitude. Thanks for sharing this with me!❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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